Jumat, 06 Februari 2015

Replied sincerity Beauty

The weather today is very very hot. Mbah Sarno continue pedaling his bike combing residential street Lean Chess sake of subsistence. Mbah Sarno has decades of work as itinerant cobbler. If other people may think "I Want to watch what this evening?", Mbah Sarno could only think "I could eat or not this evening?" In hot weather like this feels very difficult for him to get customers. For Mbah Sarno, every day is a working day. Where there is an opportunity to generate dollars, there he will keep trying. Amazingly, he is a very honest person. Although poor, never once did he take the rights of others. At 11, when they arrive in front of a mansion at the end of the alley, he too finally got his first customer today. A young man aged 20 years, looks very rushed. When Mbah Sarno perforated mend shoes, he constantly looked at the clock. Because this work they do for many years already, in a short time also he managed to finish the job. "That was fast. How to pack? " "5000 dollars mas" The youth also spend a hundred thousand of his wallet. Mbah Sarno clearly surprised and of course he did not have any money at all let alone change this young man is the first customer today. "Well we do not have exact change mas ya?" "No sir, I stay a piece of this money, not broken pack" "Sorry Mas, I do not have money change" "Wow bother too if so. Well guys I'm looking for a few minutes to pack into the next stall " "Let mas do not have to bother. Mas carry out alone. I note again mas rush. Another mas time when we meet again. " "Oh thank God if so. Oh well thank ya sir. " Hours passed and it seems these days that is not profitable for Mbah Sarno. He's just getting one customer and even then not pay. He continues to instill in his heart, "Ikhlas. God willing, will be able to exchange. " The time was 3 over he also took Asr prayer in front of the mosque school football field. Finished the prayer he prayed. "O Allah, let me taste a piece as food today. Today I will keep trying, the rest is your will. " Long finished praying, he got up to continue his work. When he will go to his bike, he was shocked because this afternoon youth become customers have been waiting beside his bike. "Well chance we'll see you here, sir. It paid that afternoon sir. " This time the young man still spend a hundred thousand. Not just a piece, but 5 pieces. "Loh loh mas? This mas has not mecahin money huh? Sorry mas I still do not have change. This is also why 5 gold pieces. This is not one of ngambil mas? " "Already pack, accept it. Change, I have received earlier, sir. Today I interview. 5 minutes late I've failed pack. Fortunately father let me go first. God willing, next week I went to France pack. I need prayer pack "But this is too much mas" "I pay the soles only Rp 5000 pack. The rest to pay for my success today and sincerity father today. " God has a way of helping his servants who want to try in difficulty. And we will never know when help arrived. Sincerity will be rewarded with the beauty ,, success will be with sincerity and gratitude.

Heavy Glass of Water

As Stephen R. Covey teaches about Stress Management, he asked the participants lecture, "What do you think about how heavy this glass of water?" The answers of the participants are very diverse, ranging from 200 grams to 500 grams. "Indeed, the problem is not the absolute weight. But how long you hold, "said Covey. "If I hold it for a minute, no problem. If I hold it for an hour, my right arm will be sore. If I hold it for one full day, maybe you should call an ambulance for me, "he continued. "Weighing actually the same, but the longer I hold it, the burden will be heavier. If we carry the burden of constantly, slowly we will not be able to carry on. The load was increased severity, "said Covey. "What we must do is to put the glass. A short break before lifting again. We had to leave our burdens, so that we can be refreshed and able to carry on. So before you return home from work everyday, leave your work load. Do not take it home. The load can be taken again tomorrow, "he continued. "Whatever burden is on your shoulders, let it down for a moment. After a rest, will be taken again. Life is very short, so try to enjoy it and use it. The best and most beautiful things in this world can not be seen or touched, but can be felt deep in our hearts, "said Covey.

According Bule About Batik

Indonesian batik culture

In the closet now, how the hell batik clothes do you have? One two? How often you wear it? Is your dress has become the choice of daily, or only when a formal occasion he came out of the closet? On October 2, the world community celebrated every year as the International Batik Day. Are you wearing today batikmu proud? Did you find reasons to love the cultural heritage? If not, Lauri Lahi could explain the reason why you should be more often wear batik. This article under his own creation, and written on his personal proposal. Hopefully with this we are so much respect batik, yes! It has been more than three years I lived in Indonesia. In many ways I tried to show respect to my new home. One of them is wearing a traditional Indonesian clothing, batik. Now is the International Batik Day. It feels good when I share the reasons why people should be more frequent Indonesian batik wear. Perhaps the perspective of a foreigner can make you look amazing clothes from a new angle. 

1. Batik was amazing 
First time I went to Indonesia, I was surprised to see many people wearing colorful and patterned "crazy" (in a good sense). I see men wearing floral and blue-purple. In other countries it may be a strange sight. But Indonesian men who wear this outfit just looks dignity and adults. Colorful clothes are more "crowded" again if used by females. One can have an orange shirt at once green. Motive was various. There is a picture of a bird up (I've heard) herbs. Wah. I was surprised and proud. How can outfit with a "concept" as busy as it looks suitably worn everyone? Sometimes until now if I want to see women berkebaya stopped him and said, "Your clothes really beautiful." 

2. Batik connecting thousands of people from different backgrounds 
I usually wear batik every Friday. Every time I wear it people around me would smile wider. I thought, "This is a good way to start my day." Not only connect strangers with Indonesian citizens only. Indonesian batik is also unify the one and the other. From Sumatra to Papua. All tribes have indigenous cultures different. But all know what it is batik. Batik is the collective identity of the people of Indonesia. 

3. You can show that you are proud of Indonesian 
Batik is the easiest way to show your pride as an Indonesian. You do not need to be an Olympic athlete and won gold. You do not have to be traditional dancing and sent abroad. Simply open your closet and wear traditional clothing that you have. Anyway it would not hurt. 

4. Buying batik equal to encourage local economic wheel 
This time, I was struggling in the economic sector. I got into the habit to estimate the impact of an item with the local economy. Including batik. Every time you buy batik, you support the economic advancement of the country itself. Make a plain fabric to be "well" in the form of ready made garments and took a long time. There are people who work preparing textile, there are prepared pengecapnya, no taste, no cut so dress material, no sew, there are added buttons, there are delivered to the store, there are keeping the shop, and there was a cashier who smiles to you when receiving money that you handed it to buy batik shirt. Everyone is connected through the clothes alone. Not to mention if you buy batik. You do not only support the economy, but also art. If you want, when you buy directly from the manufacturer batik local time, let them take profit more than usual. They deserve it. The author of this article wearing batik shirts with his foreigner friends Wearing batik is one way of honoring Indonesia 
Caucasians are proud of batik
5. Grateful had traditional clothing that can be worn everyday 
In my country, there are people who rarely go out with our traditional clothing. It could even be said no. Unless there is a party of the people, a wedding, or event like. Our traditional clothes too impractical for everyday wear. Better we wore modern clothes only. It's not like batik just your stay and buttoned up. In addition, the color of our traditional clothes are also more innocent. Unlike the rich batik style, tone, and expression. I think you may be grateful to have clothing that can be so beautiful yet practical if worn. 

6. Batik can channel your creativity 
Colors and patterns are endless. The shape can vary, from fancy dress to a football shirt. (I did not really like football shirt motif, but each person has their own individual tastes). You really liberated creativity channeled through batik. Want to carve any image, any dip in ink, not prohibited. 

7. Introducing the world on Indonesian cultural heritage 
There are some disturbing questions in my head. Why could Hawaiian shirt famous around the world, but batik is not? Could it be because the Hawaiian-style shirt marketed better? So, how do batik can be as famous as Hawaiian shirts? One that we can do is wear it more often. If you go abroad, always bring your best batik clothing. Believe me, many people will come to you and ask, "What is this colorful thing you are wearing?" If you want to promote Indonesia, there is no better time than when you answer it. Well, after reading the above Lauri, never embarrassed to wear batikmu. Take out of the closet and memacaklah! When else try, you can be stylish at the same time expresses pride in the country?

15 Symptoms of HIV Infection

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is the virus that causes lethal infection because the human immune system weakens. Symptoms of HIV infection is generally difficult to distinguish from other infections and may be delayed diagnosed. HIV infection is transmitted by the fluid containing the HIV virus such as blood, semen, vaginal fluids and breast milk. In one or two months after the HIV virus enters the body, 40 to 90 percent of people will experience only flu-like symptoms known as acute retroviral syndrome (Acute Retroviral Syndrome / ARS). But sometimes HIV symptoms do not appear for several years and even up to a decade after infection. Here are 15 symptoms of HIV infection, as reported health, Tuesday (10/23/2012), among others: 

1. Fever One of the first signs of ARS is a mild fever accompanied by other symptoms such as fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, and sore throat. In these conditions, the virus has entered the bloodstream and multiply in number, so that the body has a fever as an inflammatory reaction by the body's immune system. 

2. Fatigue inflammatory response produced by the immune system also can make you feel tired and lethargic. Activity has a lightweight body can cause extreme fatigue. 

3. Muscle and joint aches, and swollen lymph nodes are less wary Someone HIV symptoms as similar to other viral infections, such as syphilis or hepatitis. Symptoms are similar to other diseases, including pain in the joints and muscles and swollen lymph nodes. Lymph nodes are part of the immune system and tends to cause inflammation when there is an infection. Pembangkakan lymph nodes usually occurs in the groin, neck and armpits. 

4. Sore throat and headache HIV can also cause symptoms such as sore throat and headache. 

5. Rash emergence of a rash on the skin can occur when the initial stages of HIV or may appear when it has been severe. Pink rash may appear on the torso and resemble ulcers. If a rash that is difficult to treat, you need an HIV test. 

6. Nausea, vomiting, diarrheaApproximately 30 to 60 percent of people with HIV develop nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea short term.These symptoms can also arise as a result of medication therapy. 

7. Drastic weight loss weight loss is a sign that the disease has progressed to a stage that is a little more severe and could be partly due to severe diarrhea. If you've lost weight, it means that the immune system is nearly exhausted. 

8. Dry cough dry cough is the first sign that the infection had worsened. But a dry cough lasts after one year of HIV infection and will get worse. The use of medications such as Benadryl, antibiotics, and inhalers can not cure this cough. 

9. Night sweats About half of the people infected with the HIV virus night sweats.This sweat is affected by the infection and not related to sports or room temperature. 

10. Nail changesAnother sign of HIV infection in the final stage is the nail changes, such as thickening of the nail, nail curved, separate from the skin, or discoloration of the nail to be black or brown lines. Discoloration is often caused by fungal infections, such as candida which can occur when your immune system is decreased. 

11. Fungal infections of the mouth Fungal infections can also develop in the mouth or esophagus with HIV, which causes difficulty in swallowing. 

12. Confusion or difficulty concentratingcognitive problem could be a sign of HIV-associated dementia, which usually occurs in late stage disease. In addition to causing confusion and difficulty concentrating, HIV-associated dementia may also involve psychological problems such as irritable or touchy. It may even include changes in motor, for example become careless, lack of coordination, and difficulty in developing fine motor functions such as writing. 

13. Cold sores or genital herpes This condition is a sign of ARS and HIV infection is getting worse. Herpes can also be HIV transmission media such as genital herpes that can transmit HIV when having sex. And people who have HIV tend often get herpes because HIV weakens the immune system.

14. Tingling and weakness in the chronic phase of HIV can also cause numbness and tingling in the hands and feet. It is called peripheral neuropathy, which can also occur in people with uncontrolled diabetes. 

15. Irregular menstrual cycles HIV disease seems also cause menstrual irregularities, such as less blood loss and menstrual lighter. These changes may be related to the effect of drastic weight loss and health deteriorated due to weak immune system. HIV infection has also been associated with menopause at an early age, which is between 47 and 48 years for women infected compared with uninfected women who are 49 to 51 years. 

Dangers of Drinking Coffee After Eating Fried

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Do not start the day with breakfast fatty foods such as fried foods, especially when served with coffee as breakfast companion. Recent research has shown that a combination of both causes a spike in blood sugar. According to a study from the University of Guelph, drinking coffee after eating greasy foods can cause sugar spikes darah.Efek this applies even for healthy people who are not at risk for diabetes. As you well know, eating greasy foods has been linked to blood sugar spikes. Now, by combining it with a cup of coffee can double the impact. The authors state that fried foods contain saturated fats that make cleaning difficult body of blood sugar. Although it has been through a few hours after eating fried foods, drinking coffee may increase the level of difficulty of cleaning the sugar. "This suggests that the effects of high-fat meal can last for hours," said Marie-Soleil Beaudoin and Terry Graham, researchers from the University of Guelph, as reported theglobeandmail, Saturday (03/11/2012). The researchers asked study participants to eat fatty foods, then after 6 hours, participants were asked to drink sugar. Normally, the body produces insulin directly to eliminate sugar from the blood. But research shows that after eating fatty foods, the body is less able to produce insulin and sugar levels in the blood of participants 32 percent higher than study participants who did not eat fatty foods prior. The second part of the study, Participants were asked to drink two cups of coffee after 5 hours of fatty foods and sugar drinks. The results of blood sugar levels increased by 65 percent compared to the control group. Sugar that linger in the blood can be detrimental to health such as increased risk of diabetes, arterial damage, and heart disease. The study was published in the Journal of Nutrition. People at high risk of diabetes or heart disease, should be more careful food combining. Avoid high-fat foods and limit your caffeine intake to keep stability  blood sugar . 

Unique facts Indonesian Independence Day

proklamasi.jpgSeventeen August is a historic day for the Indonesian nation and all its 
people. Precisely Seventeen August 1945, as the date of the initial rise is exactly the Indonesian people against the invaders once marker originally a revolution. However announcing you, there are some unique and interesting facts, concerning the independence of our beloved country which would be a pity if you miss, what are the unique facts about the independence day? 
Here it is 5 Unique Facts About Indonesia's Independence Day. 
1.Presiden sick Currently Independence proclaimed 08.00 August 17, 1945 which is 2 hours before reading the text of the Proclamation, Bung Karno was still asleep in his room, at Jl. East Pegangsaan No. 56, Cikini, Jakarta. Feeling weak and high body temperature at the time of Sukarno doctor diagnosed the symptoms of benign tertian malaria. When awakened by the physician Dr. Suharto, he complained "Pating Greges". Then the doctor finally decided to inject chinineurethan intramusculair chinine bromine and give him pills, after which he asked for a short break in order to promptly react to her medication. At 09.00 he was dressed neatly in a white shirt and white, then met his friend, Bung Hatta. Exactly at 10.00, both proclaimed the independence of Indonesia from the porch of the house, although proklamir after he returned to the room because it was still feverish, but when that's the beginning of a revolution.  

2.Bendera of fabric Artisan Soto and Linens  If the current state flag made ​​with seapik- apiknya, it is much different from the red and white flag was hoisted when the first declaration of independence 17 August 1945. The white color of the flag obtained from Bung Karno bed sheets while the red color obtained from artisan cloth soup. 

3.Naskah Proclamation in Find in Trash Original text Proclamation of Indonesian Independence manuscript handwritten by Bung Karno never actually owned and documented by the Government. Naasnya, historical manuscripts are stored and cared for by a reporter named BM Diah. Dian claimed to find the manuscript dikeranjang Admiral Maeda garbage at home on August 17, 1945 morning. But after re-copied by typewriter by Melik Sajuti pasa May 29, 1992, manuscript he kept for 46 years that he handed to President Soeharto. 

4.Soekarno Passenger showered with urine  Only The Founding Father of Indonesia who had never had a bath with urine. Imagine, returning from Dalat, Saigon, Vietnam on 13 August 1945. Soekarno and Hatta, dr. Radjiman, Dr. Suharto as his personal physician and the entire crew of the other aircraft. Amid the trip, he wanted to urinate, but unfortunately when the aircraft is not equipped with toilet facilities. Having sought a way out, he saw a small walls in the fuselage, and that's where he renounced his desire shitting.However, because the winds were so strong bursts, bersemburlah urine tersut to bombard passengers. 

5.Negatif Documentation placed Independence Under the Tree Blessing Lies Frans Mendoer, photographer documenting the seconds before independence stating the Japanese army that he is bereft of the photo negative and has passed it on to the Barisan pioneer, a pioneer movement. Though the documentation negative he deliberately planted under a tree near King Asia Office page daily and to date is the one we can see documentation.

15 Nickname Indonesia abroad

Here are the epithets our beloved country that is given by overseas. How proud we are so very impressed with the outside of the State of Indonesia.
1. Emerald of the Equator.
The nickname was given the world to Indonesia because of the geographical location of Indonesia which is crossed by the equator with a very natural appearance like an emerald green. 

2. Archipelago. It is a nickname that is pinned by the Majapahit kingdom against Indonesian territory of Sumatra to Papua in the Java language literature. In addition, Thailand also referred to Indonesia by the nickname of the archipelago trace the history of the Majapahit kingdom first. 

3. State Agriculture. This name refers to the fact that agricultural land Indonesia is very spacious with a large majority of our people's livelihoods as farmers State Maritime This name refers to the fact that vast Indonesian waters. 

4. Nyiur country. The nickname was pinned because Indonesia is a maritime country that automatically covered by coconut trees. 

5. State Thousand Temples. The nickname land of a thousand temples given to Indonesia's Borobudur temple begins chosen as one of the 7 wonders of the world. 

6. State Thousand Islands. The nickname was given notice Indonesia consists of thousands of islands also confirms that Indonesia is an archipelagic nation with a number of islands in the world. 

7. Megabiodiversitas country. The nickname was given to Indonesia because the researchers world will be amazed diversity of flora and fauna including species of ancient and rare species in Indonesia such as the Komodo dragon, black orchid and raflessia arnoldi. 

8. Garuda. This name refers to the symbol of the State of Indonesia. 

9. Heaven Earth.The nickname was given to Indonesia for many countries in the world envy the Indonesian natural resources fertile with abundant crops and scenic feast for the eyes. 

10. World Lung. The nickname was pinned by several times in the US and Singapore to see the island of Borneo as forests must be protected because it serves as the support of the world's lungs 

11. The Big Mouslem Population. This is the nickname given to the Indonesian people's season over their admiration of the quantity of followers of the religion of Islam in Indonesia. 

12. Large Our ​​Neighbor to the North and Our Nearest Neighbour Asian. It's the nickname given the Australian government saw Indonesia is the largest neighboring Asian countries and the nearest geographical location with Australia. 

13. Balinesia. This nickname was given by the tourist who admire the natural appearance while visiting Bali. With the actual records of the tourist does not know if Bali is part of Indonesia 

14. Asleep Asian Tigers. The nickname originally Asian Tigers. but the verdict is transformed into the Asian Tigers were asleep in the modern era. It's a nickname given by Asian countries to Indonesia because Indonesia is recognized to have the potential of becoming a superpower. 

15. Asian mafia. The nickname was given because Indonesia drives the discussion of issues in Asia.