Rabu, 28 Januari 2015

Love Comes from A Friendship

I had never felt a first love even when I was studying at the University. I do not know why it happened, maybe because I had too much to learn when in Senior in High School so I’d never find a love that truly memorable. When the initial study at the university, the love did not come because I was busy with a variety of activities on campus and was eager to pursue high score at the class. I was also not interested in girls around me or had a curiosity to know a woman.

At the beginning of university entrance, there was actually a girl who looked to have interest in me. She started to give a short message essentially that wanted to know me more. He continued to greet me through the short message. Oddly, she did not mention her real name and only mentions Initials. I was used to respond to a text message without knowing the identity of the person sending. Several times I talked to her about a few things through the short message. However, I had a sense of boredom with the situation and was eager to find out her real name.

I do not like the little people who continue to conceal the identity and so curious to know. One time, I got to know her because I called her by phone. I was not far from her, and she realized that I was on the phone. She was very shy and did not want to say hello again to me via text message on mobile phone.

After that happening, I no longer found things related to love and I did not have interest about love. My friends say that I had changed and got to know a woman. They even made a fun of me by saying that I did not have the ability to pick up a woman. But, I did not care about anything they say. For me, a love comes in a beautiful way and should not be imposed.

One time, I found the first love and a true love of my life. The woman who became my first love was my a classmate but we had not known each other very well. When in the class, we only just greeted each other and did not have any interest. Though we were in a class almost every day and engaged in the same lesson. There was a story that is so unique and our friends did not believe when we were in love because we had been in the same class within 2 years.

The love was present when we are sitting close together in a place and there was one of our friends started teasing each other as if we liked. At first, we felt ashamed because it continued teasing. However, from that teasing, I kept getting a sense of confusion. I kept thinking about her every day even in every single time in my life.

Then, I began to know her through a text message that I sent. When the first short message sent, I got a response and I kept talking to her through a text message on mobile phone. I found hard to sleep and kept thinking about her. Finally, I decided to express love to her, and she received with a very happy feeling. Up to now, I became her life companion and want to continue to be close until death separates us.

Poems for Mom

Look! Look at your feet. This is the road you walk
Look! Look ahead of you. That is your future
My mother gave me so much kindness
"Embrance love and walk,"
She said over and over

At that time I was still immature
I didn't understand her meaning
She held my hand
And walked with me

Our dreams are always
High in the sky
It's scary that they might not come true
But, we still continue to chase them

Because it's our story
So, we don't want to give up
When I was unsure she held my hand
And walked with me

There were times when I hated that kindness
When separated from my mother I couldn't be obedient

Look! Look at your feet
This is the road you walk
Look! Look ahead of you
That is your future
There were times when I hated that kindness
When separated from my mother I couldn't be obedient.

recall a mother who loves you ..
for mothers who always shed a tear when you go ...
you remember when your mother was willing to sleep without a blanket for the sake of seeing you sleep soundly with two blankets wrap the body ..

you remember when the mother's fingers gently stroking your head?
and remind you when the tears of a mother's eyes when she saw bedridden ...

occasional peek at the mother who always look forward to your return in the house where you were born ..
back ... sorry ... the mother who always longed to be your smile ..

do not let you miss moments will you miss in the future, when the mother is gone ...
no longer in front of the door that welcomes us ..., there was no sign of a happy beautiful smile ... ..
there is only an empty room there is simply no penghuninya..yang clothes hanging in the closet ..
no more and there will be no .. that would shed tears praying for his breath every ..
go home and hug mothers always love you ..
kiss the foot of the mother who always miss you and give the best at the end of his life ..

recall the love and affection.

Story Putroe Neng With 100 Husband

Nio Nian Lian Khie that's his real name, rank A woman war commander General of the China Buddhist, a woman who was beaten by a scholar Johan Meurah forces originating from the kingdom Pereulak that at the time they were in the ancient sense of farming in the area maprai (Sibreh now) and they opened the garden pepper and pepper at the moment after being defeated, general Nian Lian Nio Khie embrace Islam and his name was given the title is as Putroe NENG.
Point in the war in Kuta Lingke have changed the history of life Putroe Neng, a beautiful woman from the Chinese State. Of an empress who wants to unify a number of kingdoms on the island of Ruja (Sumatra), he instead became empress in a political marriage. The founder of the Kingdom Darud Donya Aceh Darussalam, Sultan Meurah Johan, became the first husband Putroe Neng which later also became the first man who died in the first night. Sultan Meurah Johan body was found blue after passing the first night romance completed in time so quickly.
Most of the people of Aceh to hear stories Putroe Neng of old people. It is said to have 100 Putroe Neng husband of nobility Aceh. Every husband died on the first night when they make love, because femininity tool Putroe Neng toxic. Death for the sake of death will not deter the men to marry women. In fact, it is not easy for Putroe Neng to accept the proposal of every man. He gave a heavy requirement as high dowry or zoning authority (Ali Akbar, 1990).
Last husband Putroe Neng is Shia Sheikh Hudam who survived the first night and subsequent nights. He was the husband of the 100th of the slant-eyed beautiful woman. Before having sex with Putroe Neng, Shia Hudam can successfully eject from genital Putroe Neng. The poison put in bamboo and cut into two parts. "One part thrown into the sea, and other parts thrown into the mountain," said guard the tomb Putroe Neng, Cut Hasan.
That said, Shia Hudam have antidote spell so that he could survive. Once these toxins out, the light dims Neng Putroe beauty. Until his death, he did not have children. It is difficult to find references about Putroe Neng. Some books mention she's real name Nio Liang Nian Khie, an admiral from China who came to Sumatra to master a number of kingdoms. With his troops, he seized three small kingdoms; Patra Indra, Indra Jaya, and Indra Puri which is now included in Aceh Besar. Some third former royal citadel is still there in Aceh Besar until now.
However, Admiral Nian Nio lost when trying to conquer the kingdom of Indra Primitive Peureulak recourse to the kingdom. Assistance provided Peureulak kingdom is sending troops joined in the Army Shiite leader Sheikh Abdullah Kana'an Hudam. So, the real Hudam Shia is the name of the armed forces who became a popular name Abdullah Kana'an. Referring to the history, sending reinforcements that occurred in 1180 AD. It could be concluded at the time that Putroe Neng life, but it is not known exactly when the dead and how its history to the grave found in the village of Pulo Blang, Lhokseumawe.

Although I can not show his grave, in the eyes of Cut Hasan husband's death 99 Putroe Neng is not a myth. He claimed to have some magical things over into the tomb guard. He dreamed met Putroe Neng and the dream was given two pieces of gold. The next, Cut Hasan actually found two parallelogram-shaped pieces of gold with carved on each side. One piece borrowed a researcher and has not returned. While one piece again still kept until now.
According to the Acehnese cultural, Shamsuddin Djalil aka Daddy Panton, the stories of her husband 99 just a legend though Putroe Neng name exists. According to him, it is the image that death Putroe Neng had killed 99 men in the Aceh war. "It is difficult traced from which emerged the story of pubic Putroe Neng toxic," Jalil Shams said when met at his home in Pantonlabu City, North Aceh, on Tuesday (26 / 4). Ali Akbar who has written a book of history of Aceh, also acknowledges the stories of 99 men was just a legend.
Neng Putroe tomb located on the side of Jalan Medan-Banda Aceh (trans-Sumatra), is loaded with supernatural tale. For example, there is the story of a high school teacher who died after taking photos in the tomb. There also are claimed to see a white silhouette in the photo or photos taken does not show any images. Unfortunately, the magical stories, plus the legend's death 99 Putroe Neng husband on the first night, do not make the tomb became a religious tourist sites as the tomb of Sultan Malikussaleh Beuringen Kecamatan Ocean Village, North Aceh.
Lhokseumawe City Government has not made the tomb Putroe Neng as a location for a tourist visit. Souvenirs of Putroe Neng nonexistent. The visitors who came to the tomb only a handful of researchers and the people who have heard the story of Putroe Neng. The low awareness of the tomb Putroe Neng, can be seen from the grave condition barely maintained. In the complex measuring approximately 20 x 20 meters is, there are 11 tombs, including that of Putroe Neng but the rest is not known to belong to anyone.
According to Tengku Taqiyuddin, a diligent researcher explore the history of the kingdom of Samudera Pasai, from the writings contained in the gravestones, tombs are believed to belong to the Shia cleric. So, what is the tomb which is believed to belong Putroe Neng is valid?
Tengku Taqiyuddin claimed not get an answer so that people's belief about the truth of the grave can not be broken. "Who knows the amount of research will be missed," said Tengku Taqiyuddin. According to him, it could be because there are tombs Putroe Neng there, then berkermbang 99 story about the death of the husband or the story could have been legendary since long. Approximately 200 meters south Putroe Neng tomb, the tomb of the 100th husband, Shia Hudam located on a hill hills. The road to the Tomb of the Shia Hudam very hidden, so visitors should ask the local community because there are no signposts. Visit Aceh Programme 2011, which echoed the Government of Aceh was not supported with infrastructure improvements.

Sorry, I'm not Accidentally!

I did not mean to fall in love. I did not mean to steal a glance while I was with you. And when you look at me, I do not accidentally throw-away gaze so far, farther than the record javelin ever created, just to keep you did not know I'm looking at you.

I purposely did not feel happy to be in the moment with you. I purposely did not expect you there when you and I are not in the same space and time.

I purposely did not expect all the stuff that I lent you do not you return at once. I did not intentionally wish you borrow one item from me every other item you restore. Everything is inadvertently grounded so that we keep meeting.

I do not accidentally activate the limbic system brain phenylethylamine when near you. And it sparked euphoria. I do not really like the sound of your laughter intentionally to joke. When I teased you, I did not intentionally uncomfortable receive pinch spoiled you that landed in my stomach. I did not mean to panic if it runs out of the discussion chat when I'm talking to you. It feels dimension of time scuttled if I'm with you, as you and I together so scary to time.

I did not mean to offer my sweater when you're cold. Ah, I can not imagine the fragrance of your perfume deliberately kept left on my sweater. Continuously, until late morning, my phone is my first-check. I accidentally disappointed if there is an SMS, but it is not you who sent them. I did not mean to worry if you do not know how you are.

By God, I do not accidentally grumpy when you're not in its usual place when I was looking for. I do not deliberately seek out a lot of things about you.

I do not accidentally fall in love with you. I did not mean hate to imagine this is all just a message that failed I decode properly. Messages that you send so complicated, or pen tool decode my frantic covered awkward, fear, longing, fear, hope, and his friends?

I do not accidentally make you "because" in every "why" that leads to mind.

Sorry, I accidentally ...

You do not have to deliberately to fall in love.

Powerful Personal Recipes So Tough

The psychiatric experts regard the mind as the most important factor for human life. Almost all systems of our lives, gestures, moods, and even our lives, controlled by the mind. When we see a girlfriend or partner we walked in front of us, our minds may be ordered our mouth to reprimand, told our feet to accelerate the pace, or ask us not to do anything.

Similarly, our feelings, with the information collected in the brain, the mind give specific commands to the "heart" to specify the desired atmosphere. For example, one day we left lovers, our minds will choose the information that is related to our love life with him, which is recorded by the brain. Speak the thoughts we choose information related to beautiful things, that we have ever experienced with him. Thought we would process them and generate instruction, for example, we are sorry and sad for all the beauty it has to end.

Instructions will be forwarded to the "heart" through our psychological device, and the feeling we become sad. Conversely, if our minds choose the information related to the hateful things of him, for example peseknya nose, bad habits, or owe favorite, our mind will process them into instructions that we are pleased and happy that the nightmare is over. Our hearts were happy about it.

Factual and Sensitive
When the mind is very powerful influence on our feelings, we are the factual, people who always act or behave based on facts. But when the mind is very weak influence on our feelings, then we are people sensitive. People factual usually more able to control feelings. You see, the mind is able to process the facts recorded in the brain in more detail before it is put into the "heart".

Calm Down
Instead, people will tend to be emotionally sensitive, because usually when responding to the realities faced, his mind not to reprocess the facts recorded in the brain, but immediately put it in the "heart" is. He process information with feelings.

To clarify, take the example of someone accidentally see his girlfriend was sitting alone with another person of the opposite sex and she does not know. When he was a sensitive man, his brain to record all the events he saw. But his mind is not straight forward process into the "heart" to be processed. Because the "heart" of the process, he may soon come to them and without direct babibu cast raw punch. Conversely, if he is a factual, events recorded earlier in his brain, processed first by the mind before it is forwarded to the "heart". His mind will make the necessary considerations. If the lack of data, then it will generate other possibilities. For example, the possibility that other person is a relative or friend of his girlfriend. Or perhaps also cheating lover friends. The possibilities are then forwarded to the "heart" as a curiosity. Due consideration is this thought he might be approached to find out the truth, rather than immediately judge.
The process that causes the factual tend calm, calculating, and able to control themselves. Instead, sensitive people tend to quickly agitated, hasty in taking conclusion, impatient, and difficult to control.

Perceive reality in a positive
With the optimization of mind, we can control the feelings and also lives in the direction we want. With our thoughts can turn sadness into a sense of excitement, fear of being brave, insecure be confident, be optimistic pessimist, or tired of being passionate. It is not wrong if a philosopher, Marcus Aurelius, the view that "Our lives are determined by the mind".
It was indeed hard to believe. However, that is. Stanley R. Welty, President Wooster Brush Company, argues, "In the time out of the house in the morning, we are the ones who determine whether the day it would be good or bad, because it depends on how we run our minds. Whether or not we enjoy the day it really depends on the way we think. "
If you feel our pockets depleted, then complain as if we are the most unlucky, it could be the day that became the most boring day. But when we got up in the morning, looked out the window and see how the birds whistling greet the morning with a feeling of coolness dew, regardless sac increasingly deflated, maybe we will find the day as well. How was the weather that day, no matter what the severity of the problem that carried the day, it is the mind that determines our lives. That we think of when it, that's our life.

My life
What can be done is to control the mind. Do not let our minds create the feeling of being unwell. Always perceive reality in a positive way.
"When you need to try to smile in the face of any difficult situation. There are times where we have to let go and laugh. Humor is very important in life. Do not forget that these simple things can help you maintain perspective, "said Dale Carnegie, founder of Dale Carnegie & Associates.
When the grief we tried to smile, in fact we were trying to escape from the sad feelings. At that time we middle neutralize the negative feelings inside. It is very good and can help so we are not too late in grief.
Similarly, when the center faced severe problems, we smile a little more will help release tension. Furthermore, let yourself relax, view the reality in front of us in a positive way, because then we can take a lesson from what he was facing. Then think about the things that can restore our joy.

Relax time
"If there is a problem, relakslah. Relax. Just think what you will do next, and what action you for it, "said Welty. Indeed, there are many painful things, which makes us anxious or upset. But do not dissolve themselves in it. Do not let any problems make us discouraged. Think about the positive things that can be done. Let all issues passed without leaving a fatal wound.

That way we will be a tough guy who is not easily fall. Our minds become accustomed to always be positive, and we will be more likely to reach your goals. Not only that, positive thoughts and confidence we will attract others to join with us. They will not let us walk alone to face all the problems. Even be happy to accompany and help us through all the difficulties. And more importantly, our lives will be more fun.

Selasa, 27 Januari 2015

Pocong Oath

Pocong oath is said to be a tradition of rural communities is a vow made by a person with the condition wrapped in a shroud like a person who has died.This oath was rarely practiced in a different manner, for example, the perpetrator oath not dipocongi but only veiled shroud with a sitting position.Pocong oath is usually done by Moslems and equipped with witnesses and conducted in a house of worship (mosque). In Islamic law is not actually a vow to wear a shroud like this. This oath is a local tradition that is still thick apply customary norms. This oath is done to prove the allegations or cases little or no evidence at all.In the Indonesian court system, known as the oath oath pulpit and is one proof that exercised by the Court in examining cases-civil, although the form of the oath pocong itself is not regulated in the Civil Code and the Civil Procedure Code. Oath pulpit was born because of a dispute between a person as plaintiff against another person as a defendant, usually in the form of the seizure of the estate, land rights, debts, and so on. In a civil case there are some decent levels of evidence presented, the first is the second documentary evidence and witness evidence. There are times when both sides are difficult to provide such evidence, for example about the legacy, down-temurunnya property, or debts were conducted between late parents both sides a few decades ago. When this happens the third evidence submitted is evidence presupposition that by examining the sequence of events in the past. This evidence is rather prone to do. If the three kinds of evidence is still not enough for the judge to decide a case, the requested evidence that the recognition fourth. Given its location, most recently, the oath became the only tool to decide the dispute. So the oath direct impact to the termination of the judge who conducted.There are two kinds of oath Oath and Oath Suppletoir Decisoir. Supletoir oath or vow made when there is additional evidence of the beginning but have not been able to convince the truth of the facts, and therefore need to be added oath. In the absence of any evidence at all, the judge will give decisoir oath or oath breakers that are thorough, complete the case. By using the tool decisoir oath, the judge's decision will be solely dependent on oath and courage speakers oath. In order to obtain the ultimate truth, because the decision is based solely on oath, the oath was associated with pocong oath. Pocong oath made to provide a psychological boost to the speakers oath not to lie.

Temple Gedong Songo

Gedong Songo is located on the slopes of Mount Ungaran, precisely in Gedong songo temple, Hamlet Darum, Temple Village, District Bandungan, Semarang regency and the temple complex was built in the 9th century AD. Gedong Songo derived from the Javanese, "gedong" means a house or building, "Songo" means nine. So the meaning of the word Gedong songo is nine (group) of the building.

Location 9 temples scattered on the slopes of Mount Ungaran has beautiful natural scenery. In the vicinity there is also a neat pine forests and springs that contain sulfur. Thin mist descends from the top of the mountain often appears resulted eyes can not look at Gedong songo temple from a distance. This temple has similarities with Dieng temple complex in Wonosobo. This temple is situated at an altitude of about 1,200 m above sea level so the air temperature is quite cold here.

To go to Gedong 1, we had to walk 200 meters through the path that goes up. You can use the services of a horse transport to travel around the sights Gedongsongo temple. In 1740, Løten find Gedong Songo complex. 1804, Raffles complex record with the name gedong Pitoe because only found seven groups of buildings. Van Braam make the publication in 1925, Friederich and Hoopermans writing about Gedong Songo in 1865. In 1908 Van Stein Callenfels terhadapt temple complex research and Knebel doing inventory in 1910-1911.

Sidelines between Gedong Gedong III with IV contained a mountain kepunden as a source of hot water with a high sulfur content enough. The tourists can shower and warm up disebuah baths built near the kepunden. The smell of sulfur is strong enough and a puff of smoke pretty thick when approaching the hot springs. Because beauty is Gedong Songo often be a wonderful place for a pre wedding photo photo.

Admission: Adults / 5 years and over: USD 5,000 / person and Rp 25,000 / person for Foreign Tourists [2012].
Rates Services Horse Riding Gedong Songo
- Tourism Village Rp 25,000 (USD 35,000 Tourists)
- Into Hot Water Rp 40,000 (USD 60,000 Tourists)
- Into Second Temple Rp 30,000 (USD 40,000 Tourists)
- Package Songo temple Rp 50,000 (USD 70,000 Tourists)

To reach the required Gedong Songo travel about 40 minutes from the City Ambarawa with street riding, and the slope is very sharp. The location of the temple can also be reached within 10 minutes from the attractions Bandungan. Here's a list of the distance to this temple.

- Ungaran - Gedong Songo: 25 miles
- Ambarawa - Gedong Songo: 15 miles
- Semarang - Gedong Songo: 45 miles

GPS Waypoint: 7 ° 12'39.72 "S (Latitude) 110 ° 20? 32.88" E (Longitude)

Google Map refference (-7.211033,110.342467)

New Logo philosophy Pekalongan

Fandinistic, History - Government City (City) Pekalongan has issued a policy regarding the turn of the new logo which was approved by the Regional Regulation No. 10 of 2014. The turn of the new logo has gone through various stages, ranging from competition in which all citizens eligible Pekalongan, and enhanced design by taking into account the input and opinions of the jury, expert design, as well as community leaders.

Dr Sri Budi Santoso, as Head of Communications and Information Pekalongan claimed that the new logo is more flexible and less rigid than the previous logo, with no leaving the original culture of the people of Pekalongan.

"The new logo is not rigid as the emblem of the city before," said Budi, told Radar Pekalongan.

In addition, Budi also asserted, travel Pekalongan turn new logo is not changed but the origin has been through various stages. One of them by consulting all relevant agencies, such as the Ministry of the Interior.

Meanwhile, a new logo which is considered more chic than the previous logo, also has its own philosophy. The new logo design area Pekalongan is a five-part circular with the basic color white. Here is the meaning behind the new logo Pekalongan which consists of five sections:

1. People who are held up both hands

Part of this new logo Pekalongan dark brown which symbolizes the spirit, health, intelligence, skill, and the joy that is reflected from the pattern of life that is filled with elements of religiosity.

2. Canting

Pekalongan Batik is known as the City of the World, even in October 2014, the city of Pekalongan was named the first creative cities in Indonesia by UNESCO.

Canting is one tool to process batik cloth. The orange-colored canting symbolizes creativity, hard work, consistent and integrated with each other and continuously.

3. Water

Figure water with a dark brown color symbolizes adaftif in mensikapi nuanced dynamics of the conduciveness and comfort, as well as the implementation of an egalitarian relationship humanities and make no distinction between the status of citizens Pekalongan Pekalongan each other.

4. Fish

Pekalongan is a town located not far to the North Coast. Therefore, the sea became a source of livelihood for most people who become fishermen Pekalongan. Pictures of fish with light brown people, symbolizes one of the potential of natural resources held to be developed in order to increase the prosperity and welfare of the people.

5. People who are working

Lastly, part of the new logo Pekalongan are people who are working. Where images are berkeja yangs people with dark brown and orange color symbolizes the spirit of high society, striving endlessly for the challenges and achieve goals.

That is the meaning behind the new logo Pekalongan, which still reflects the culture of the local people who made more flexible and not rigid. However, some people do not agree on the removal Pekalongan logos. Besides going to slather budget, turn a new logo also does not reflect the culture of the people of Pekalongan. Coupled with the merger village located in Pekalongan.

Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in Pekalongan

Department of Health sets the status of outbreaks (Outbreak) Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in Pekalongan. Determination is made after the occurrence of a significant increase in the number of residents who are victims. To that end, the public diimbu to guard against transmission of disease spread by mosquitoes, given at the beginning of 2015 there have been three people died due to dengue fever.
Cation and Control of Communicable Disease Control at Health Office (PHO) Pekalongan, Suwondo SKM Kes said the number of dengue cases from the beginning of the year to January 26, 2015 reached 11 cases. Three positive dengue them died.
"Until now, there have been 3 dengue patients in Pekalongan died. Each is a resident of the Village Kalimojosari District of Doro, citizens and residents Ponolawen Keses Tosaran District of District of Kedungwuni, "said Suwondo, yesterday (26/1).
Indeed, the number of dengue cases this month is still below the case in January 2014 and which affected 17 patients. However, the number of deaths due to diseases caused by the bite of Aedes aegypti mosquito types are increasing. "January 2014, the number of people who died due to dengue by 2 people. While in January 2015, there were three people who died from dengue, "he explained.
He explains, the symptoms of dengue disease until now is unpredictable. However, in general this disease has characteristics such as high heat, dizziness, and even vomiting blood. Patients with this disease, sudden high heat for 2-7 days, looks limp body temperature between 38ºC to 40ºC or more. He urged people not to be fooled by the patient's body temperature tends to fall as saddle horse-riding, three-day heat, the fourth day of fall, and rise again on the fifth day.
"People need to understand how the symptoms of this disease, in order to avoid delays in treatment," he said.
Meanwhile, related to this outbreak, it has made efforts fogging in several locations since last week to 29 January. "Today (yesterday, ed), we have to do fogging in Central Tangkil Kedungwuni, then on Tuesday (27/1) fogging will be conducted in the village of Nyamok Kajen, Wednesday (28/1) in Tosaran Kedungwuni and Thursday (29/1) in Kesesi, "he explained.
He urged people to be vigilant outbreaks by encouraging the mosquito eradication (PSN) with 3M (drain, close, and bury). 3 M that include; The bathtub shower 2 times a week; Burying secondhand goods unused like cans bottles etc; and Closing the barrel or other water container.

"The behavior of this PSN is the best effort in the eradication and prevention of dengue mosquitoes," he concluded

History Pekalongan

Pekalongan is a city of Central Java, Indonesia. It was formerly the seat of Pekalongan Regency on the northern coast of the province, but is now an independent municipality within the province. The city is Central Java's most important port, and is known for its batik.
The coastal area around Pekalongan was part of the ancient Holing (Kalingga) kingdom. The 7th century Sojomerto inscription, discovered in neighboring Batang Regency, Central Java, is linked with Kalingga as well as the ancestor of the Sailendras. The exact location of the Kalingga capital is unclear however, that it was suggested lies somewhere between Pekalongan and Jepara. However it is most likely that Kalingga was located in Pekalongan instead of Jepara, since there is similarity of names between Kalingga and Pekalongan. The name probably slightly shifted over centuries, from Kalingga, Kaling, Kalong, and later added with pe- -an circumfix forming "Pekalongan".

The history of Pekalongan dated back to the early 12th century. A book written in 1178 by a Song dynasty official already had record of Pekalongan, then known to Chinese merchants as "Pukalong", it was then a seaport of Java (then known as Dvapa); the king of Java lived at Pukalong, knotted his hair at the back of his head, while his people wore short hair and wrapped their body with colorfully weaved cloth.[2] Chinese merchant ship set sail from Canton during November, with the aid of fair wind sailed nonstop day and night, arrived at Pukalong in about one month. The people made wine from coconuts, produced very delicious red and white cane sugar, the kingdom made coins out of bronze and copper, 60 copper coins exchanged for one tael of gold. Local produces included pepper, clove, sandalwood, eaglewood and white round cardamom.[3]

Pekalongan became a part of the empire of the Sultanate of Mataram through treaty and marriage alliances by the early 17th century. The area was on the geographic periphery of the empire, which was based in interior central Java. However, it was a wealthy area, and by the end of the 17th century, the substantial money and produce it sent to the center made it a key part of Mataram's realm. The area went into economic decline during the 18th century, and the Dutch East India Company began to gain substantial influence over the area's political and economic life. The Dutch built a fort in the city in 1753; this fort still stands.

From the 1830s, the Pekalongan area became a major producer of sugar. Sugarcane had been grown in the area since early 12th century, as recorded in Chinese history books, but production expanded substantially during the mid-19th century due to Dutch efforts. Initially, production was boosted through compulsory corvée labor; the Dutch colonial government took advantage of longstanding Javanese expectations that the peasantry contributes a part of their labor to the state. Between the 1860s and the 1890s, this system was phased out, and workers were paid directly. The colonial sugar industry collapsed during the Great Depression of the 1930s, but sugar remains a key export of the area in independent Indonesia.

On October 8, 1945, an anti "Swapraja"/anti feudalism movement called Three Regions Movement/"Gerakan Tiga Daerah" was established in Tegal, Pekalongan, and Brebes. The goal of this movement was to replace the blue blood regents (related to the kings from Jogyakarta and Surakarta) with ordinary people. According to the leaders of this movement, the old regents had cooperated with Japanese during the world war II and sent people to the Japanese slave labor camps.

The main leader of this movement was Sarjiyo who became the new regent of Pekalongan. Other leaders of this movement were Kutil, K. Mijaya, and Ir. Sakirman. Ir Sakirman was the local leader of Indonesian Communist Party (PKI).

The old regents were arrested, stripped naked, and dragged into the prisons. Other government officials and police officers were kidnapped and massacred at Talang bridge. This movement also started a racial riot against ethnic Chinese in Brebes.

The government of Republic of Indonesia (RI) in Jogyakarta disagree with this movement and declared it as an illegal movement.

On November 4, 1945, the movement attacked Indonesian army HQ and the regent office in Pekalongan. The rebels were defeated by Indonesian army in a fierce battle on December 21, 1945. Most leaders of this movement were arrested and thrown into the prisons. This rebellion is called Three Regions Affair.

Getting lost in the carnival

When I was a kid, I had a very horrible experience. It happened when I was about 6 years old. At that time, my parents and I went along to see carnival in town. On that day, we went by walking to the place because our house was not so far away.

After arriving there, my father, my mother, and I looked so many interesting shows. I was very happy because it was my first experience of seeing the carnival. I still remember when my father took me to see the magic show, carousel ride, and entered the haunted house. I really enjoyed that night.

After walking around, we rested in a place. I forgot its name, I knew it was a place where a lot of people sitting around eating their meal. Then the three of us were resting there. When I was a child, I was very active and did not like silence. And so at the evening, when my parents were chatting, I went alone to see the clown. I followed the clown until I realized that I was lost and missing. I was trying to get back to the place where my parents were. However, they were no longer there. I was confused and scared. Then I looked for them from one place to another but I could not find them as well. Even I was getting lost. Finally I cried. I was afraid if they left me alone.

When I was crying, someone approached me. Then he took me to a security post. I saw my father and mother there. They looked so panicky. Especially my mother, I saw her crying. When the men took me to them, my parents came right up to me and hugged me. I was happy because I could see them again. We also were very grateful to the man who had helped me, even though I did not know his name. That was a frightening experience that I have ever had. Until now, I still remember what happened that night.

Dear My Beloved Teacher

Thou are my lantern in the darkness
Thou are my cool dew, in dryness
Thou are my guide, in blindness
Thou are my friend in loneliness

Thou give us answer to our problems
Thou give us hope of our despairs
Thou give us the direction of our loss
Thou give us the beauty in the silences

Thou battled for the sake of our goodness
Thou create an educated man
Thou are fighting against poverty
Thou pinned the nation’s hopes on our shoulders

Thou are the rainbow in the storm
Like a warrior in the middle of the fight
Thou are the rain in the Gobi Desert
Like a ray of hope in the midst of uncertainty

Oh my teacher…
Thou are a true hero
Thou are the one who always we wait for

Oh, we will not be able to pay your kindness till death come

Wrong Guy

Every time I remember this, I always laugh. It was so embarrassing moment. My friends were laughing all day because of this incident. On the same day I got the nickname as Mr. clumsy.
At that time I was 8 years old. My friends and I were playing on the playground. We played a game of hide and seek. We played happily. Until, it was my turned to look for them. I was looking for them one by one and managed to find it. However, one of my friend named Hadi was very clever in hiding. I could not find him. Then I kept looking for him. I remembered that Hadi wearing a red shirt and blue pants. As I passed the elephant statue in the park, I saw a kid wearing a red shirt and blue pants. Without thinking, I immediately approached him. After getting close, I pulled him and took him to my friends. I wanted to tell them that I had managed to find him. However, I became silent, when I saw Hadi was near my friends. He greeted me “hey why did not you find me?” I was confused. Then I saw my friends laugh. Then I looked to the children who I drag from near the elephant statue. I was surprised that it was not Hadi but he was someone else wearing the same clothes.
The boy looked at me with disgust. All of my friends there were laughing at me. I was embarrassed. I wanted to run out of there. Finally, I apologized to the boy which I had been pulled. Since then I was always called as Mr. Clumsy by my friend.

An Untruthful Elephant

In a country, lived a pair of elephants who love each other. They were Shawn and Honey. They had been living together since 2 years ago and had two children. Their first child was Andy and their second child was Danny. Danny was the elephant that often lied and he was always scolded by his parents because of the lies that he often did.
While their older child, Andy was an elephant who was very honest and made the parents were so proud. However, although his parents were proud of him, he was not arrogant, so all the elephants liked him. All those conditions made Danny jealous and did not like his brother. But, he had not made ​​him changed and he became more and more lying frequently. He was never to be deterrent even though often punished by his parents.
Meanwhile, his brother, Andy was never bored and stopped to advise him. However, all of the advice and the punishment he received was never made ​​him wary. A lie that often done by him was screaming near the river so that someone else thinks he was drowning. In fact, he only intended to pretend and lied.
One day, he wanted to drink the water in the river which was deep enough. Because he was so thirsty, he did not pay attention to the depth of the river and immediately stuck his trunk into the water. The surfaces that were near the river were so slippery but he did not pay attention. Suddenly, Danny slipped and he plunged into the river. There was no elephant that was near river because they were all in the pasture which was far enough away from the river. He then yelled very loudly and asked for help to all the elephants.
The elephants heard it, but he often lied, so that the elephants on the pasture ignored his scream. In fact, his parents did not pay attention because they thought he was lying. However, his brother was curious and wanted to see whether Danny was lying or not. When the brother reached the river, he saw that Danny was not lying and Danny almost drowned.
Andy immediately saved Danny and took him out on the pasture to be treated. The elephants in the meadow shocked and immediately huddled beside him. A few minutes later, he woke up and he promised never to lie again.