Rabu, 28 Januari 2015

Story Putroe Neng With 100 Husband

Nio Nian Lian Khie that's his real name, rank A woman war commander General of the China Buddhist, a woman who was beaten by a scholar Johan Meurah forces originating from the kingdom Pereulak that at the time they were in the ancient sense of farming in the area maprai (Sibreh now) and they opened the garden pepper and pepper at the moment after being defeated, general Nian Lian Nio Khie embrace Islam and his name was given the title is as Putroe NENG.
Point in the war in Kuta Lingke have changed the history of life Putroe Neng, a beautiful woman from the Chinese State. Of an empress who wants to unify a number of kingdoms on the island of Ruja (Sumatra), he instead became empress in a political marriage. The founder of the Kingdom Darud Donya Aceh Darussalam, Sultan Meurah Johan, became the first husband Putroe Neng which later also became the first man who died in the first night. Sultan Meurah Johan body was found blue after passing the first night romance completed in time so quickly.
Most of the people of Aceh to hear stories Putroe Neng of old people. It is said to have 100 Putroe Neng husband of nobility Aceh. Every husband died on the first night when they make love, because femininity tool Putroe Neng toxic. Death for the sake of death will not deter the men to marry women. In fact, it is not easy for Putroe Neng to accept the proposal of every man. He gave a heavy requirement as high dowry or zoning authority (Ali Akbar, 1990).
Last husband Putroe Neng is Shia Sheikh Hudam who survived the first night and subsequent nights. He was the husband of the 100th of the slant-eyed beautiful woman. Before having sex with Putroe Neng, Shia Hudam can successfully eject from genital Putroe Neng. The poison put in bamboo and cut into two parts. "One part thrown into the sea, and other parts thrown into the mountain," said guard the tomb Putroe Neng, Cut Hasan.
That said, Shia Hudam have antidote spell so that he could survive. Once these toxins out, the light dims Neng Putroe beauty. Until his death, he did not have children. It is difficult to find references about Putroe Neng. Some books mention she's real name Nio Liang Nian Khie, an admiral from China who came to Sumatra to master a number of kingdoms. With his troops, he seized three small kingdoms; Patra Indra, Indra Jaya, and Indra Puri which is now included in Aceh Besar. Some third former royal citadel is still there in Aceh Besar until now.
However, Admiral Nian Nio lost when trying to conquer the kingdom of Indra Primitive Peureulak recourse to the kingdom. Assistance provided Peureulak kingdom is sending troops joined in the Army Shiite leader Sheikh Abdullah Kana'an Hudam. So, the real Hudam Shia is the name of the armed forces who became a popular name Abdullah Kana'an. Referring to the history, sending reinforcements that occurred in 1180 AD. It could be concluded at the time that Putroe Neng life, but it is not known exactly when the dead and how its history to the grave found in the village of Pulo Blang, Lhokseumawe.

Although I can not show his grave, in the eyes of Cut Hasan husband's death 99 Putroe Neng is not a myth. He claimed to have some magical things over into the tomb guard. He dreamed met Putroe Neng and the dream was given two pieces of gold. The next, Cut Hasan actually found two parallelogram-shaped pieces of gold with carved on each side. One piece borrowed a researcher and has not returned. While one piece again still kept until now.
According to the Acehnese cultural, Shamsuddin Djalil aka Daddy Panton, the stories of her husband 99 just a legend though Putroe Neng name exists. According to him, it is the image that death Putroe Neng had killed 99 men in the Aceh war. "It is difficult traced from which emerged the story of pubic Putroe Neng toxic," Jalil Shams said when met at his home in Pantonlabu City, North Aceh, on Tuesday (26 / 4). Ali Akbar who has written a book of history of Aceh, also acknowledges the stories of 99 men was just a legend.
Neng Putroe tomb located on the side of Jalan Medan-Banda Aceh (trans-Sumatra), is loaded with supernatural tale. For example, there is the story of a high school teacher who died after taking photos in the tomb. There also are claimed to see a white silhouette in the photo or photos taken does not show any images. Unfortunately, the magical stories, plus the legend's death 99 Putroe Neng husband on the first night, do not make the tomb became a religious tourist sites as the tomb of Sultan Malikussaleh Beuringen Kecamatan Ocean Village, North Aceh.
Lhokseumawe City Government has not made the tomb Putroe Neng as a location for a tourist visit. Souvenirs of Putroe Neng nonexistent. The visitors who came to the tomb only a handful of researchers and the people who have heard the story of Putroe Neng. The low awareness of the tomb Putroe Neng, can be seen from the grave condition barely maintained. In the complex measuring approximately 20 x 20 meters is, there are 11 tombs, including that of Putroe Neng but the rest is not known to belong to anyone.
According to Tengku Taqiyuddin, a diligent researcher explore the history of the kingdom of Samudera Pasai, from the writings contained in the gravestones, tombs are believed to belong to the Shia cleric. So, what is the tomb which is believed to belong Putroe Neng is valid?
Tengku Taqiyuddin claimed not get an answer so that people's belief about the truth of the grave can not be broken. "Who knows the amount of research will be missed," said Tengku Taqiyuddin. According to him, it could be because there are tombs Putroe Neng there, then berkermbang 99 story about the death of the husband or the story could have been legendary since long. Approximately 200 meters south Putroe Neng tomb, the tomb of the 100th husband, Shia Hudam located on a hill hills. The road to the Tomb of the Shia Hudam very hidden, so visitors should ask the local community because there are no signposts. Visit Aceh Programme 2011, which echoed the Government of Aceh was not supported with infrastructure improvements.

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