Minggu, 30 November 2014

English Speech Brief About Corruption

Good afternoon,

I would like to express gratitude to God for giving the opportunity to attend this event. I also would like to thank to the audience who served the time and the place for me in this pulpit.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Indonesia is a huge country and absolutely rich. We have millions of different natural resources from the sea, forest, mining, and many more. Indonesia is predicted to be one of the developed countries which are able to take over the world. In fact, European countries often made ​​the calculation that if the Indonesian people unite and work together to develop this country, Indonesia will become a superpower country like America or Russia.

However, why has Indonesia not been able to be a developed country until now? Perhaps, our country does not have the good human resources. However, I feel there is one thing that becomes the core of all the problems. All the problems that we have are absolutely come from corruption.

Of course, corruption makes our country become unstable and does not have a solid system. The state’s finances are destroyed, the development is going to be stunted, and ultimately, the people of Indonesia do not get their rights. Indonesian people are very miserable; our country is not going to be well because the uneven development, bad channeled educational subsidy, and the stunted development of public facilities.

Several of us may not feel the impact of corruption directly, but our friends who live in the isolated areas feel it so much. They cannot cross the river because there is no bridge; they cannot be an educated people, and they cannot connect to the world because they do not have internet access. In fact, they have the same opportunity to the people in the big city but they haven’t.

Then, how to tackle corruption in this nation? How to wipe out the corruption?

Ladies and gentlemen,

To wipe the corruption out, we need much more patience and work harder. We must tell ourselves to not take something that does not belong to us. Corruption is begun by stealing something small, and evolves into a theft to the large sums of money. Train us to be afraid to take something that does not belong to us, and continue to be grateful for the sustenance that has been given by God.

In addition to teach yourself to keep working hard and do not take anything that is not your right, we also have to educate our children to have an independent attitude, honest, and forbid them to take other people’s stuff without permission.

Ladies and gentlemen, although corruption is a difficult problem to overcome, but I believe we can solve it. Indonesia requires us to unite, promote, and liberate the country from corruption.

Thank you for your attention and good afternoon.

Compromise is Necessary

Actually people are social human being. Every people need other people in their life. We cannot live without help of other people. We will always include other people. In our life we will have problems with our parents, friends, and another people. In this case, we will have experience in the situations where we have to use compromise before we take decisions that will not make every people disadvantage. In many situations, compromise is necessary.

Firstly, I had experience in the situation where I had to use compromise to solve my problem. The situation is between my parents and me. I asked to my parents to buy a new hand phone for me because I need it. But they did not want to buy it easily. And then, they offered a compromise to me. They would buy a new hand phone but I would not get pocket money for a month. I refused it because I did not agree with their offering. And then, I try to offer a compromise. I just wanted that my pocket money were reduced 50 % but it was until two months. Finally, my parents agreed with my compromise. They wanted to buy a new hand phone for me but I would get my pocket money just 50% for two months. This was a good deal because there was no one to be disadvantage in this case.

Another situation beside that I have ever got with our friends when we were in a boarding house. We lived in a boarding house together but there were one of us that did not care with area in our boarding house. He wasted the garbage anywhere he felt like it but we always cleaned it. So, it made us uncomfortable. And then, we invited him to discuss about this problem to solve it in order that no people feel disadvantage. We offered to him to make duty schedule because this was importance for all of us. We wanted other people in the boarding house care with our environment. And we could get punishment if we did not care with it. So, he agreed with it because this was our compromise for all of us.

One more experience that I have ever found in which I had to look for a compromise was when my friends and I wanted to buy cupboards. In this situation, we would buy three cup boards and we started to bargain it in a furniture shop. Shopkeeper gave price 3 cupboards Rp 600.000,00 that mean one cupboard has price Rp 200.000,00. And then we offered it to be 170.000,00 for one cupboard and we wanted it was send to our boarding house by them. They did not agree because they did not want to send it with price that we offered. After that, they give a compromise for all of us. They gave two options. The first option they gave it Rp 160.000,00 for one cupboard but they did not send to our boarding house and we had to bring it by our self. And the second option they wanted to send it but we had to buy it Rp180.000, 00. And the final decision we agreed with second option that they offered. So, we got a good deal with them.

Essentially every people will always interact with other. And we can find in the situations where we need a compromise to get a good deal that will not make everybody disadvantage. We can find it when we interact with our parents, friends in a boarding house and another people like shopkeeper in the furniture shop. If we want to get our destination to be success, a compromise is necessary.

Sabtu, 15 November 2014

Words Hurt Moving

Life is like the wheels are always turning. There are times when we are happy, there are times when we have to cry because of pain. Cause a lot of heartache. Some are due to friendship, family, and even that is emerging now is hurt because of the love they usually experienced by the adolescents. It will give rise to this kind of words, the word Hurt of people who were experiencing. When hurt, people would berate or sometimes just express it.

The words of the heart associated with a feeling of hurt, can come without a searchable, and even then if we feel hurt very excessive. For some people it is a word that sort Moving enough to get others to feel pity, or can make people who memberik hurt it so realized then apologize. That may be what is expected by the person who is experiencing pain.

Each person must be that only makes Conscience that has to do with the feeling of heartbreak. However, sometimes some people who want to express heartbreak need a little inspiration, because the feeling of confusion sometimes makes the brain can not think. For all of you who may currently feel hurt, just take it you do not need to worry because this time we will provide information collection Hurt word that can touch the hearts of all of you. Right away, let us consider the following explanation:

"I realized today was the last day I was with you. My last look beautiful smile lips, and finally I can say I Love You "

"I want to go back to the past, which is beside me there is only candy and balloons, I also do not feel the pain of love"

"Love is not the basis of happiness, but love is the basis of sorrow"

"Maybe we do not always believe in the people we love, but we can love people who really we believe"

"I'm going to put behind the missing half of my soul, because I fear that if half of my life it would die along with me only to lose"

"I'm sorry if I can not be with you later. Not because I do not love, but I want us to stop hurting each other "

"The most sad thing is when people come to us to walk tuk away, and feelings of sadness increase over the large number of foot when he went to get away"

"Love made us perfect. But love does not need a perfect person, because perfection can be obtained when each have "

"In life there are only two options, the first to have you, and the second loss. If I choose the first, I'm afraid the second choice will follow accompany my life "

"You would not know how sincere the person love you, until the day you see how sincere he is in love with you in a state of shortcomings"

"What then let pass, because it was all over. Let it all down with the sun "

"True love is not abusive, always love the soft serve because based on genuine feelings of the heart"

"When you hate someone then surely you are making your life becomes more complicated"

"True love is a love that never also do not want to say goodbye"

"You know you're very miss someone, when you think of her heart would break"

"Sometimes he just gave a chance to know you, not to have you"

"People will learn tuk pain can recognize a healthy word, and we also have to know the heartache tuk can recognize true love"

"Not good when done anything rubbing too much, so it is with love someone, when excessive would be in pain when let down"

"Love can not restore you to me, but I hope that love unites us in the life to come"

All collection Words related liver hurt feelings we get from various sources and we have collected so some.We made for all of you who want to make a word Moving you want to convey to someone.

Here's a little information collection Hurt said. Hopefully by reading this article Conscience you all can express the feelings that have been buried. Terim you also have stopped and read articles from us.