Jumat, 06 Februari 2015

Electrical War Between Thomas Edison vs. Nikolas Tesla

Nicola Tesla was a genius, inventor of a variety of applications related to electricity. Call it neon lights, remote control, and many more. Many new discoveries feels usefulness decades later. So genius, Nikola Tesla memitoskan much. Most of the draft findings were hidden by the US government for fear of being discovered that the enemy (German time). Even Hollywood never used his name for an electric machine discovery pengcopy living creatures in the movie  "The Prestige".

The findings are still a lot to make people amazed because it was discovered decades ago are microwaves and fluorescent lamps. At Fair Expo 1893 in Chicago, Tesla demonstrated lights that can hold and shine brighter than the lights Edison. That is the basis of fluorescent lamps. Tesla discovered what is the basis for the development of energy-saving lamps one hundred years later. That is, Tesla already thinking about energy saving of electricity. Is It True? Of course not. How could ancient people think saving electricity, electricity lha wong has just begun its use. 

While the findings of the microwaves used for sending Morse code without wires, destroying buildings, and remote control. Unfortunately creation tool wirelessly sending morse code preceded by Marconi. Though Marconi in making radio transmitter apparatus used 17 Tesla patented findings. Microwaves crusher building was developed into a microwave cookware cookware which is now a must for households in developed countries. The remote control has been demonstrating in 1898 and recently used in domestic life in the 1960s.

Nikola Tesla was born in Smiljan on July 10, 1856 as Serbian descent. Smiljan now in Croatia. Cleverness deliver Tesla worked at the company Thomas Alva Edison in France, and then drawn into the United States. Thomas Alva Edison was the inventor of the various applications that affect the everyday life until today, such as light, the phonograph, and the motion of the camera recorder. He is also called "magicians of Menlo Park", was so great inventions. Edison is also a successful businessman. Tesla is only a year working at Edison. He left the company Edison for Edison broken promises, do not pay the promised salary of $ 50,000. He then joined Westinghouse, a contender Edison. Like the heavens and the earth with Edison, Westinghouse is a gentleman who always holds promise. They become the perfect partner, and cooperation with Westinghouse Tesla produces many amazing findings. At the beginning of the use of electricity, electric current directly (Direct Current or DC) electricity distribution dominates in the United States. DC is an option where the Edison company, General Electric, dominate sales of electrical appliances. DC is an electric current that is flexible because it can turn on an electric appliance with low or high voltage. In addition, the DC power can be stored in a battery.

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