Jumat, 06 Februari 2015

Eating and Drinking while standing VERY DANGEROUS

PROHIBITION eating and drinking while standing it's been for many of us. However, whether based on religion or tradition, style meal as it is not considered good. Are there health reasons?
Illustration eat while standing in an event.

Health expert dr. Andri Setiawan for comment said, in addition to the reasons of courtesy, actually medically eat and drink while sitting more healthful than while standing. Because the human body there is a network filter (filter) or commonly known sfringer, ie a structure maskuler (muscular) which can open and close. "The water we drink is supplied to the posts in the kidney filtration. Filter This filter is open in the current we sat down and closed when standing, "he explained.

Organ in the body.

When the filter in the closed position, the water consumed while standing right in to the bladder without filtering process. Consequently, Andri asserted, sedimentation in the channel ureter. "If it continues to happen, can cause disorders of the kidneys," he said. In addition, physicians who practice in Jakarta Islamic Hospital (RSIJ) also revealed, when standing, the real man in a state of tension. Balance nerve center is working hard to be able to retain all of the muscles in the body. In contrast, in a sitting position, the nerves in a state of calm and not tense. "So the digestive system in a state ready to receive food and drink," he said. The adverse effects other than eating and drinking while standing, he explained, is a reflection of nerve. It was caused by a nerve reaction rove (tenth cranial nerves) are widely spread in the endothelial layer that surrounds the gut. "If the common reflection violently and suddenly, can cause nerve dysfunction (vagal inhibition) severe, causing fainting or death sudden, "he explained. Alumni of the University Yarsi states, although the impact does not occur instantaneously, eating and drinking should be done while sitting. Definitely more healthy. Moreover, 95 percent of the causes of wounds in the stomach occurs in the usual places collide with food or beverage intake. "It's not too difficult to eat and drink while sitting," he said.

Thousand Four Hundred Years Ago

Illustration of ancient Egypt.

175 - لا يشربن أحد منكم قائما
"It do not one of you drinking while standing."

This hadith narrated by Imam Muslim (6 / 110-111) of Umar bin Hamzah: "It has been told me Abu Ghithan Murri, that in fact he heard Abu Hurayrah said:" It has been said of the Prophet ... and then he mentioned the hadith and added:

"Anyone who forgot then let vomit."

I said: Umar here, although it has made proof by Imam Muslim, but considered weak by Imam Ahmad, Ibn Ma'in, An-Nasa'i and others. Therefore, Al-Hafiz in At-Taqrib said: "It Dha'if". But authentically with other wording. Therefore I apply it here without the enhancement. Indeed, this hadith narrated by Abu Ziyad Ath-Thihani, he said: "I heard Abu Hurayrah said:

عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أنه رأى رجلا يشرب قا ءما فقال له: قه, قال: لمه? قال: أيسرك أن يشرب معك الهر? قال: لا, قال: فانه قد شرب معك من هو شر منه! أالشيطان !!
"From the Prophet, that he actually saw a man drinking with stand. Then he said to him, "Muntahkanlah!" The man asked: "Why?" He said: "Do you like it if a drink along with cats?" The man replied: "Nothing." He said again: "Surely have a drink with you something worse than that, that is the devil. "

This hadith has been takhrijed by Imam Ahmad (7990), Al-Darimi (2/121), Ath-Thahawi in Musykilul-Atsar (3/19) of Shu'bah of Abu Ziyad. This hadeeth saheeh isnaad. The narrators tsiqah, namely the narrators Ash-Syaikhain, except Abu Ziyad. In this case Ibn Ma'in said: "He is a great sheikh hadith," as a caption in the Al-Jarh wat-ta'dil (4/2/373). Because the words of adh-Dhahabi "unknown", is included something that does not need to be considered, especially after the two priests tsiqah vote. This Hadith also appears with other wording, namely:

176 - لو يعلم الذي يشرب وهو قائم ما في بطنه لاستقاء. 
"If people are drinking while standing it knows what is in the stomach, of course she would vomit."

While the hadiths that describe the drink with the stand is possible because there is such a narrow udzur or as a water dependent. Because there is a hadith which indicates that such. And Allah knows best.

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