Jumat, 06 Februari 2015

Tragedy Creepy Valentine's Day in Indonesia

Valentine's Day is a day of love is celebrated by all the people in the World. Companions anehdidunia.com can know the history of Valentine's Day is here . In contrast to the above statement, which is very different from the reality that happened. Yes during the celebration of Valentine's Day, there was a horrific tragedy in Indonesia. Here's terrible incident during valentines day in Indonesia .

Tragedy Love Triangle
On the eve of Valentine's Day murder occurred in the village Kariangau, North Balikpapan. The murder took place against a man named The imagery that killed at a golf course by Sumanto who is the husband of his mistress named Suparti. Suparti are annoyed with rude behavior and actions performed by The imagery, ultimately reporting to him. Then they plan to kill The imagery.

Genesis Suicide in Schools
On Valentine's Day happens suicides committed high school students 1 Bojonegoro named Ana. Ana chose suicide on Valentine's Day party in the school who finds Ana objec cuts that many bleed the school then took Anna to the hospital to get peryolongan. It is not known what makes Ana chose suicide on Valentine's Day because the alleged love affair.

Love Is Never Ending
A couple of suicides occur in the area Sukodono, Sidoarjo. The body of Abdul Ghofur (22) and Femilia Martasia (19) was found in aeral rice fields. They commit suicide is because their relationship is not approved by the parents of Femilia and Femi already betrothed to another man.

They are known to have formed a love for five years. At the time found, entangled Ghofus body belt tied in a tree Keres and Femi body lying on the banks of the river not far from the position Ghofur.The autopsy said that in Femi body found bruises and strangulation marks on her neck. The body was found just Ghofur bondage belt wound. Ghofur allegedly killed because Femi Femilia allegedly pregnant because another man, then finally Ghofur ended his life by hanging himself.

Kill Husband Wife
The events that occurred in the area of ​​Three Mercury, Tangerang, Banten, originated from a quarrel between Darwati Parwo and his wife, Valentine's Day, Day, Feb. 14. When it Darwati, who want to celebrate Valentine's Day, invites her to go to an amusement center in the region Tigaraksa. But the invitation was rejected Parwo the reason he was washing the motorcycle. The next day the wife reported to have died by hanging himself. Of reenactment performed officer, revealed that the suspect admitted he was not aware Parwo while strangling the victim. This was done spontaneously in the aftermath of his frustration on his wife. But he did not realize that the anger led to the death of his wife.

Companions anehdidunia.com terrible events on the day of Valentine's really a tragedy that should not be copied or imitated. Stop use of violence against others, make Valentine's Day is a day that really show affection even though we believe that love you, always you show every day to your spouse. No matter the day of love has not arrived. Stay away from violence once again!

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