Selasa, 27 Januari 2015

Dear My Beloved Teacher

Thou are my lantern in the darkness
Thou are my cool dew, in dryness
Thou are my guide, in blindness
Thou are my friend in loneliness

Thou give us answer to our problems
Thou give us hope of our despairs
Thou give us the direction of our loss
Thou give us the beauty in the silences

Thou battled for the sake of our goodness
Thou create an educated man
Thou are fighting against poverty
Thou pinned the nation’s hopes on our shoulders

Thou are the rainbow in the storm
Like a warrior in the middle of the fight
Thou are the rain in the Gobi Desert
Like a ray of hope in the midst of uncertainty

Oh my teacher…
Thou are a true hero
Thou are the one who always we wait for

Oh, we will not be able to pay your kindness till death come

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