Selasa, 27 Januari 2015

Pocong Oath

Pocong oath is said to be a tradition of rural communities is a vow made by a person with the condition wrapped in a shroud like a person who has died.This oath was rarely practiced in a different manner, for example, the perpetrator oath not dipocongi but only veiled shroud with a sitting position.Pocong oath is usually done by Moslems and equipped with witnesses and conducted in a house of worship (mosque). In Islamic law is not actually a vow to wear a shroud like this. This oath is a local tradition that is still thick apply customary norms. This oath is done to prove the allegations or cases little or no evidence at all.In the Indonesian court system, known as the oath oath pulpit and is one proof that exercised by the Court in examining cases-civil, although the form of the oath pocong itself is not regulated in the Civil Code and the Civil Procedure Code. Oath pulpit was born because of a dispute between a person as plaintiff against another person as a defendant, usually in the form of the seizure of the estate, land rights, debts, and so on. In a civil case there are some decent levels of evidence presented, the first is the second documentary evidence and witness evidence. There are times when both sides are difficult to provide such evidence, for example about the legacy, down-temurunnya property, or debts were conducted between late parents both sides a few decades ago. When this happens the third evidence submitted is evidence presupposition that by examining the sequence of events in the past. This evidence is rather prone to do. If the three kinds of evidence is still not enough for the judge to decide a case, the requested evidence that the recognition fourth. Given its location, most recently, the oath became the only tool to decide the dispute. So the oath direct impact to the termination of the judge who conducted.There are two kinds of oath Oath and Oath Suppletoir Decisoir. Supletoir oath or vow made when there is additional evidence of the beginning but have not been able to convince the truth of the facts, and therefore need to be added oath. In the absence of any evidence at all, the judge will give decisoir oath or oath breakers that are thorough, complete the case. By using the tool decisoir oath, the judge's decision will be solely dependent on oath and courage speakers oath. In order to obtain the ultimate truth, because the decision is based solely on oath, the oath was associated with pocong oath. Pocong oath made to provide a psychological boost to the speakers oath not to lie.

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