Selasa, 27 Januari 2015

Temple Gedong Songo

Gedong Songo is located on the slopes of Mount Ungaran, precisely in Gedong songo temple, Hamlet Darum, Temple Village, District Bandungan, Semarang regency and the temple complex was built in the 9th century AD. Gedong Songo derived from the Javanese, "gedong" means a house or building, "Songo" means nine. So the meaning of the word Gedong songo is nine (group) of the building.

Location 9 temples scattered on the slopes of Mount Ungaran has beautiful natural scenery. In the vicinity there is also a neat pine forests and springs that contain sulfur. Thin mist descends from the top of the mountain often appears resulted eyes can not look at Gedong songo temple from a distance. This temple has similarities with Dieng temple complex in Wonosobo. This temple is situated at an altitude of about 1,200 m above sea level so the air temperature is quite cold here.

To go to Gedong 1, we had to walk 200 meters through the path that goes up. You can use the services of a horse transport to travel around the sights Gedongsongo temple. In 1740, Løten find Gedong Songo complex. 1804, Raffles complex record with the name gedong Pitoe because only found seven groups of buildings. Van Braam make the publication in 1925, Friederich and Hoopermans writing about Gedong Songo in 1865. In 1908 Van Stein Callenfels terhadapt temple complex research and Knebel doing inventory in 1910-1911.

Sidelines between Gedong Gedong III with IV contained a mountain kepunden as a source of hot water with a high sulfur content enough. The tourists can shower and warm up disebuah baths built near the kepunden. The smell of sulfur is strong enough and a puff of smoke pretty thick when approaching the hot springs. Because beauty is Gedong Songo often be a wonderful place for a pre wedding photo photo.

Admission: Adults / 5 years and over: USD 5,000 / person and Rp 25,000 / person for Foreign Tourists [2012].
Rates Services Horse Riding Gedong Songo
- Tourism Village Rp 25,000 (USD 35,000 Tourists)
- Into Hot Water Rp 40,000 (USD 60,000 Tourists)
- Into Second Temple Rp 30,000 (USD 40,000 Tourists)
- Package Songo temple Rp 50,000 (USD 70,000 Tourists)

To reach the required Gedong Songo travel about 40 minutes from the City Ambarawa with street riding, and the slope is very sharp. The location of the temple can also be reached within 10 minutes from the attractions Bandungan. Here's a list of the distance to this temple.

- Ungaran - Gedong Songo: 25 miles
- Ambarawa - Gedong Songo: 15 miles
- Semarang - Gedong Songo: 45 miles

GPS Waypoint: 7 ° 12'39.72 "S (Latitude) 110 ° 20? 32.88" E (Longitude)

Google Map refference (-7.211033,110.342467)

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