Rabu, 28 Januari 2015

Powerful Personal Recipes So Tough

The psychiatric experts regard the mind as the most important factor for human life. Almost all systems of our lives, gestures, moods, and even our lives, controlled by the mind. When we see a girlfriend or partner we walked in front of us, our minds may be ordered our mouth to reprimand, told our feet to accelerate the pace, or ask us not to do anything.

Similarly, our feelings, with the information collected in the brain, the mind give specific commands to the "heart" to specify the desired atmosphere. For example, one day we left lovers, our minds will choose the information that is related to our love life with him, which is recorded by the brain. Speak the thoughts we choose information related to beautiful things, that we have ever experienced with him. Thought we would process them and generate instruction, for example, we are sorry and sad for all the beauty it has to end.

Instructions will be forwarded to the "heart" through our psychological device, and the feeling we become sad. Conversely, if our minds choose the information related to the hateful things of him, for example peseknya nose, bad habits, or owe favorite, our mind will process them into instructions that we are pleased and happy that the nightmare is over. Our hearts were happy about it.

Factual and Sensitive
When the mind is very powerful influence on our feelings, we are the factual, people who always act or behave based on facts. But when the mind is very weak influence on our feelings, then we are people sensitive. People factual usually more able to control feelings. You see, the mind is able to process the facts recorded in the brain in more detail before it is put into the "heart".

Calm Down
Instead, people will tend to be emotionally sensitive, because usually when responding to the realities faced, his mind not to reprocess the facts recorded in the brain, but immediately put it in the "heart" is. He process information with feelings.

To clarify, take the example of someone accidentally see his girlfriend was sitting alone with another person of the opposite sex and she does not know. When he was a sensitive man, his brain to record all the events he saw. But his mind is not straight forward process into the "heart" to be processed. Because the "heart" of the process, he may soon come to them and without direct babibu cast raw punch. Conversely, if he is a factual, events recorded earlier in his brain, processed first by the mind before it is forwarded to the "heart". His mind will make the necessary considerations. If the lack of data, then it will generate other possibilities. For example, the possibility that other person is a relative or friend of his girlfriend. Or perhaps also cheating lover friends. The possibilities are then forwarded to the "heart" as a curiosity. Due consideration is this thought he might be approached to find out the truth, rather than immediately judge.
The process that causes the factual tend calm, calculating, and able to control themselves. Instead, sensitive people tend to quickly agitated, hasty in taking conclusion, impatient, and difficult to control.

Perceive reality in a positive
With the optimization of mind, we can control the feelings and also lives in the direction we want. With our thoughts can turn sadness into a sense of excitement, fear of being brave, insecure be confident, be optimistic pessimist, or tired of being passionate. It is not wrong if a philosopher, Marcus Aurelius, the view that "Our lives are determined by the mind".
It was indeed hard to believe. However, that is. Stanley R. Welty, President Wooster Brush Company, argues, "In the time out of the house in the morning, we are the ones who determine whether the day it would be good or bad, because it depends on how we run our minds. Whether or not we enjoy the day it really depends on the way we think. "
If you feel our pockets depleted, then complain as if we are the most unlucky, it could be the day that became the most boring day. But when we got up in the morning, looked out the window and see how the birds whistling greet the morning with a feeling of coolness dew, regardless sac increasingly deflated, maybe we will find the day as well. How was the weather that day, no matter what the severity of the problem that carried the day, it is the mind that determines our lives. That we think of when it, that's our life.

My life
What can be done is to control the mind. Do not let our minds create the feeling of being unwell. Always perceive reality in a positive way.
"When you need to try to smile in the face of any difficult situation. There are times where we have to let go and laugh. Humor is very important in life. Do not forget that these simple things can help you maintain perspective, "said Dale Carnegie, founder of Dale Carnegie & Associates.
When the grief we tried to smile, in fact we were trying to escape from the sad feelings. At that time we middle neutralize the negative feelings inside. It is very good and can help so we are not too late in grief.
Similarly, when the center faced severe problems, we smile a little more will help release tension. Furthermore, let yourself relax, view the reality in front of us in a positive way, because then we can take a lesson from what he was facing. Then think about the things that can restore our joy.

Relax time
"If there is a problem, relakslah. Relax. Just think what you will do next, and what action you for it, "said Welty. Indeed, there are many painful things, which makes us anxious or upset. But do not dissolve themselves in it. Do not let any problems make us discouraged. Think about the positive things that can be done. Let all issues passed without leaving a fatal wound.

That way we will be a tough guy who is not easily fall. Our minds become accustomed to always be positive, and we will be more likely to reach your goals. Not only that, positive thoughts and confidence we will attract others to join with us. They will not let us walk alone to face all the problems. Even be happy to accompany and help us through all the difficulties. And more importantly, our lives will be more fun.

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